Chocolate Drizzled Popcorn

Chocolate clumps wrapped around golden popcorn nuggets
     As the bus crawled down the main street, my eye caught the sign begging me to return. Mentally, I made a check list of the shops I wanted to visit after our tour. This was at the top right above the quilt shop and a few other charming hometown stores.

     Our bus swung a wide turn down a residential street in front of a blue clapboard home decked out in summer flowers. We were on our way to visit sled dogs but my visions were lingering on the main street, whetting my appeptite with the delights of freshly made gourmet popcorn. Never mind the chocolate fudge that also beckoned me, it was the allure of gourmet popcorn that held my craving.

     I've had this "thing" for imaginatively delicious concotions of tasty popcorn. Last fall I wrote about a store in Arizona that specialized in trendy taste delights of these white puffed balls. Since then, I've discovered locations in California--and even the possibility of ordering Popcornopolis cones from Costco around Christmas.

    I was hungry to try someone else's version of a tasty gourmet popcorn. And what better place to sample something new and different than on vacation. A way to create another memory for the books.

     We returned from our puppy cuddling, team-pulling sled dog camp and dashed up the ramp to our ship, just in time for dinner. After wolfing down another delectable meal (pictures another time), my friend and I made a mad dash into the seaport town of Skagway. Stores were closed, except for a restaurant and a pub. A few more streets to the popcorn sign that called my name.

     Fortunately, the owners were wrapping up one of their first days in operation. Caution flags went up and I considered leaving before sampling. Then I saw it. The bag of Chocolate Drizzled Popcorn with large chunks of the rich dark sweet clumped on top of the carmelized balls of popcorn. One sample taste and I was hooked.

     Pulling out my wallet, I fingered the green bills as I exchanged the money for delicious loot. We barely had time to hear the owners' story. Scurrying back down the main street we rushed onto our ship before the loud horn sounded and the gangplank was pulled up.

     I fully intended to share this treat with our young men when we returned home, but somehow piece by piece, the popcorn was vanishing. By the time we arrived home, there was about 2 inches worth left at the bottom of the bag for them to sample.

     Wish I could tell you the name of the store, but it was so new their sign had not yet arrived. And there was no label on the bag or the receipt. It  also is not listed under stores for Skagway online. I guess you'll just have to make an Alaskan visit to Skagway.

     If you are interested in ordering Popcornopolis' gourmet delights, check out their website. There are coupons as well if you Google Popcornopolis Coupons. Have fun playing.

Back in the cabin, calling my name

From My Heart to Yours,

Linking up with Ann Kroeker for Food on Fridays
