"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear me." Psalm 103:11 NIV
Staring into the vastness of the celestial blue space above draws me into wonder at the greatness of our God. A God who compares His love to the never ending blue expanse that stretches beyond our sight. Beyond space shuttle journeys. Beyond the stars and planets that dangle suspended as buoyant jewels in this silky blue filament.
He is the God who loves us so much that He would give His own Son's live in payment for our sins. That He would reach out to us and draw us to Himself through nudgings of His Spirit, the power of His Word, the offer of forgiveness when we sin and hurt Him, and the giving of Himself to us in Communion.
Who could resist the God who offers such love and mercy? Who makes us His children. Who provides an eternal dwelling place on the other side of that never ending blue expanse.
But for those who choose to not fear Him, to not walk with Him, to turn away from His love and gift, there is only emptiness: the great abyss instead of celestial happiness: judgment because they have not covered themselves with the only garment that makes us right with God. The garment of God's love drenched in the blood of Jesus.
Where have you seen God's love?
From My Heart to Yours,
Linking with Word-filled Wednesdays at the Internet Cafe
Labels: Christian Inspiration, Encouragement, Faith, Word-Filled-Wednesday