The Promise is in the Clouds

     I'm looking heavenward again. My eye and heart are on the sky. I catch the rainbow pushing upward and I chase it, hoping to find its source and the depth of its color. But I only see a fraction of what lies ahead. Then like a shade, a curtain of clouds are pulled across the heavens and my heart sinks. The hope of seeing the rainbow in its glory is fading. Only darkness remains.

     I snap the cover on the lens and step inside the door. Another chance has evaporated as the wind and rain blow in. Then I glance out my patio door, the least likely place to find this rainbow. Arched above the houses. Pressing through the heavy sky, the rainbow paints its promise. And I recall His words:

     "Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life." Genesis 9:14-15 NIV

     Yet, another covenant--a promise of His comes to mind:

     "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5 NIV (reference Deuteronomy31:6)

     I searched for the rainbow in the sunny sky but it appeared closest to me when the clouds rolled in. I never noticed the specific words in this promise from the Lord: "...the rainbow appears in the clouds."
     When the darkness closes in on us, that is when we will see His promise most clearly. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Look for His rainbow in the clouds.

     This week, my dearest friend is facing the loss of her mother. She is finding the Lord in the clouds of her life and in His word:

     "My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word." Psalm 119:28 NIV

     He is there in each of our clouds and darkness! His promise is true!


     Dear Friend,

     Oh, the Lord is so gracious! He put this whole post together! I took the photos the NIGHT BEFORE my friend Julie called to tell me that her mother was failing, going into hospice. When I took the photos, I was not sure how I was going to use them. But after Julie's call, I knew I would wind a theme of the rainbow as a sign of God's promise in our sorrows.

     This morning, Julie texted me that she was holding her Mom's hand as her Mom went home to be with the King! The rainbows from my post in Julie's hand. God's love for her and His presence with her was revealed again at that exact moment. He had woven the theme, the rainbows, and the timing to bless my friend.

     Then Julie found the scripture in Revelation 4 about a rainbow encircling the throne of God. Read her comment below under anonymous. THE LORD IS AMAZING! AND HE CARES FOR EACH OF US INDIVIDUALLY! NEVER DOUBT THAT!

From My Heart to Yours,

Linking with Spiritual Sundays and Scripture and a Snapshot

Sundays spent with HIM

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