Treasure This Day

    "Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." Psalm 90:14 NIV

     Receive each day as a special gift from the Lord.
     A special occasion.
     Live in the "Sacred Present."

     These thoughts from Cynthia Heald, author of Becoming A Woman of Simplicity, have impacted my life each morning since I heard them.
     During the week before Spring Break, I awoke each morning thinking to myself, "This is a special occasion. A special day." With that mindset, my heart overflowed with gratitude at the joyful surprises the Lord had planned for my day. New vision had been given to my spiritual eyes.
     And on the days when my circumstances were less than favorable, I reminded myself that this was a special occasion from the Lord. It encouraged me to value each moment of the day, to live in the present, to believe every tick of the day was sacred to God, and to begin to number my days with wisdom (Psalm 90:12).
     My renewed thinking allowed me to enter Spring Break with a lighthearted attitude. However, half way through the vacation, my life suffered the loss of a precious sister-in-the-Lord. I forgot about the day being special or a gift from the Lord. It became a nightmare to survive.
     But as I reviewed last week's Bible Study, I realized how much emphasis had been placed on numbering our days. Living as if each moment could be our last. Examining how we spend our time. Do we evaluate what we are going to say to someone in light of having just this moment? Do we soak ourselves in the richness of God's presence and His Word?
     My sister-in-the-Lord was immersed in God's presence and passed on nuggets of His wisdom to encourage and enlighten others. Every moment was sacred to her. And every day valued as a treasure in God's eyes.
     Remembering this has soothed the pain of her loss and moved me again to say, "Lord, show me your unfailing love each day and let me sing for joy all of my days."

     How do you live in the present and treasure each moment as a special occasion from the Lord?

From My Heart to Yours,
Joining other inspirational thoughts at Spiritual Sundays and
a Scripture and a Snapshot

Sundays spent with HIM

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