Spiritual Journaling--Prayer Series, Part 3

     Taking pen to paper helps me focus during my prayer time with the Lord.  A leather bound journal cracked open or the squeaky sound of pages flipping over a spiral bound notebook invite me to reveal the depths of my heart to our God who listens.
     Most of the time, I begin with praises or thanksgiving to our Lord.  And on the lines, I realize how He has blessed me from day to day. Sometimes, I cry out to Him, my heart overwhelmed with cares, anxiety, and fear.  I'll pause as I write to allow my heart and mind to meditate on Him and what I have said.  His face, so often seen on artists renderings, is there before me.  The Good Shepherd, so gentle, I long for His touch, the peace of His pasture.  My heart's desires and requests laid out before Him.
     Next, I'll open God's love letter to us, the Scriptures.  I find the Psalms are a comforting place to start as I drink in His words to us--to me, if you can personalize it.  Like a mother strokes the head of her child, the Lord's Spirit soothes my wrinkled forehead.  I read one Psalm a day, pausing and writing down the verses that touch my heart, meet my need, reassure me of God's love.
     Don't be afraid to start.  The Lord knows your heart and how He wants to draw you close.  Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to a book in the Bible that is just where you need to be.  If you are not sure where that is, start in the Psalms, the Gospels, or the letters of Paul, especially Galations, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 or 2 Thessalonians.
     Begin that new dimension of your walk with the Lord.  See if it doesn't lead you deeper!

     What has been your experiences with spiritual or devotional journaling?  What works well for you?  Do you have any suggestions or books that might help one get started?

     "This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time," declares the Lord.  'I will put my law in their minds, and write it on their hearts.  I will be their God, and they will be my people.'" Jeremiah 31:33 NIV  (We are God's people in the New Covenant made by Christ)

repost from the archives

From My Heart to Yours,

     This post is part of a series on Prayer
     Part one is Prayer--A Gift from God.
     Part two is Asking In Prayer

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